
Lucas Kyrides was born to a Protestant family in Bursa of Western Turkey. An honor student, he began teaching Greek and English at Anatolia after his graduation. He went on to pursue graduate studies at the University of Michigan, where he was also able to complete his doctorate in 1909, despite financial difficulties. Kyrides became one of the leading figures in the development of new applications in organic chemistry. A key contributor to the establishment of Miles Laboratories and Monsanto, as well as director of research at the latter, he held a number of patents for organic dyes, synthetic detergents and insecticides. The greatest recognition among his achievements were a mercury-based cure for syphilis and the important role he played in the development of artificial rubber during World War II. The American Chemical Society awarded him its first gold medal in 1945. From Athens, where he settled after his retirement, he became one of the greatest benefactors of the school, which had now moved to Thessaloniki.

Athanasios Agnides
Eleftherios Venizelos

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