
Dr. Howard Johnston was the 6th President of Anatolia College. He was the first president to hold a doctorate from Columbia University. His professional career mainly involved government positions, including a three-year term in Germany, where he contributed to the establishment of the Free University of Berlin. His presidency coincided with the unprecedented availability of US government funding that began shortly after his arrival. It initially came in the form of the Mutual Security Act, which concerned US aid to poorer countries, and was later replaced by USAID, the newly founded (in 1961) Agency for International Development. It was the first of similar grants that allowed the College to complete the dormitory in the Olympus Hall without having to draw further from its limited endowment. These new resources paved the way for new construction projects and supported other needs such as salaries, scholarships, and equipment. An initiative of Johnston’s was the regional scholarships aimed at attracting talented children from remote areas of Greece, thereby expanding the geographical reach of the College. Additionally, to bring the College closer to Western educational standards, Johnston invited international groups for joint programs with Anatolia students. His reforms also affected students’ clothing and his desire to move school life away from the ugly post-war years. Thus, instead of the strict uniforms previously worn, Anatolia girls were required to wear a gray skirt with various color options for their sweaters, while boys were free to wear whatever they wanted within the general rules of decency. President Johnston, among other things, envisioned a Secretarial School as well as a two-year supplemental program of commercial studies. With the support of a USAID grant, the Anatolia School of Secretaries began under the direction of Jo Alice Callison in 1964. Johnston’s tenure at Anatolia College ended in June 1964 after 6 years of dedication and service.

Mary Ingle
Millicent Kent

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