Centennial Exhibition
FUTURE COMETH: Anatolia College 100 years in Thessaloniki


Museum of Byzantine Culture of Thessaloniki Wing of Temporary Exhibitions “Kyriakos Krokos”
The temporary exhibition “FUTURE COMETH: Anatolia College 100 years in Thessaloniki” follows the adventurous journey of Anatolia College spanning three continents – America, Asia Minor and Europe – and across three different centuries, from the 19th to the 21st. The narrative begins in Merzifon, Asia Minor in 1886, but mainly focuses on the period in Thessaloniki, where in 1924, the College hosts its first class on Greek soil in temporary facilities in Charilaou, with thirteen refugee students. In 1934, Anatolia College moves to Pylea, where an integrated campus is designed, following the American Liberal Arts colleges model, along with a curriculum that inspires its students to think and act as citizens of the world. The College spreads its roots in Thessaloniki and supports the city in all important historical events: the Asia Minor Catastrophe, the German Occupation, the Civil War, the Dictatorship, the Invasion of Cyprus.
Drawing on rare photographic material and iconic exhibits -mainly from the Department of Archives and Libraries of Anatolia College -but also from other sources, the exhibition interprets the phenomenon that is Anatolia College in the light of its historical path and evolution, its identity as a non-profit institution, its educational work, but also experiences from school life. The exhibition brings to light many exciting aspects that defined Anatolia since its inception such as the introduction of educational innovations and new technologies, experiential learning, emphasis on Natural Sciences, English language learning and the introduction of the American culture, famous libraries, the College’s contribution to education and women’s emancipation, pursuits in sports and in the rich extracurricular activities.
At the same time, special emphasis is placed on Anatolia’s strong social footprint as highlighted through its Scholarship Program, the operation of its Boarding Department, the free programs offered to the entire student and educational community, multiple initiatives for vulnerable groups, and various initiatives with an emphasis on the environment.
The title of the exhibition “Future Cometh” is inspired by the spirit of optimism that permeates its founders, as it is reflected in Anatolia’s hymn “Morning Cometh” (“Dawn”) written in 1916, underlying that even in the most difficult times one can hope for a new dawn, a new beginning. The title “Future Cometh” acts as a reminder of the past and, at the same time, a stepping stone for the future, based on Anatolia’s four founding, fundamental values: Innovation, Excellence, Social Responsibility and Inclusion.
The exhibition “FUTURE COMETH: Anatolia College 100 years in Thessaloniki” serves as an interesting source of information for teachers, students, historians, as well as for the wider community.

Free educational program for elementary students
To make the visit of elementary school students more interesting, a special educational museum program has been designed for elementary school students, connecting children with knowledge, creativity and inspiration through personal experience and the activation of participants’ senses. The program will be offered free of charge to all primary schools and will be available by appointment from 1 to 29 November 2024 (information on tel. 2310 398349).

Exhibition ID
“FUTURE COMETH: Anatolia College 100 Years in Thessaloniki”
Museum of Byzantine Culture of Thessaloniki, Wing of Temporary Exhibitions “Kyriakos Krokos”, Stratou Avenue 2, Thessaloniki
Inauguration: Friday, October 4, 2024, 7 p.m. (arrival time 6:30 p.m.)
In order to attend, you need to complete the online form here.
Exhibition duration: October 4 – December 1, 2024
Opening hours: Museum of Byzantine Culture of Thessaloniki
Free entry

Duration of free museum educational programs for primary schools: 1-29 November 2024 (information 2310 398349)

The photographic and archival material comes from the Department of Archives and Libraries of Anatolia College, which assisted in the organizing and recording of the exhibits, as well as from the following institutions: The Dildilian Family Photography Collection, United Nations Archives Geneva, Armenian Community of Thessaloniki, Archive of the General Administration of Macedonia, GAK- IAM, Archives of the National Research and Studies Foundation “Eleftherios K. Venizelos” – Chania, ERT S.A. Archives, German Federal Archives, ELIA-MIET Thessaloniki, Anatolia College Alumni Association – S.A.A.K. Contributions from alumni and community members of Anatolia College have been significant.

The narrative and design of the exhibition were undertaken by the creative office Post-Spectacular Office/P-SO in collaboration with Alkmini Paka, Professor of Architecture at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. P-SO Office also designed the visual identity of Anatolia’s Centennial and the integrated visual identity of the exhibition, the accompanying centennial publication, and the design of the exhibition space.

Major donors of the centennial exhibition are the National Bank of Greece and the Papageorgiou Foundation. The Anatolia Alumni Association (SAAK) and The Association of Friends of Anatolia College (AFAC) are donors of the centennial exhibition. The official air carrier sponsor is Aegean.

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