As Anatolia College celebrates its remarkable centennial in Thessaloniki I am honored to extend my congratulations on behalf of the United States Consulate General in Thessaloniki. This celebration not only commemorates a century of unparalleled dedication to fostering academic excellence but also embodies the strength of the deeply rooted partnership and friendship between the United States and Greece.

For 100 years, Anatolia College has been a leading light in the field of education in Greece, standing as a testament to the enduring values of learning, exploration, and leadership that define both our nations. Anatolia’s approach to education, blending rigorous academic standards with a commitment to nurturing the individual, showcases the best of American educational ideals and Greece’s rich cultural heritage and intellectual capital. Today this extends to our commitment to build a more just, inclusive, and accessible environment that enables all students to reach their fullest potential and contribute their talents to society.

Anatolia’s legacy is built on more than just its academic standards and achievement – it is woven into the very fabric of the countless lives it has shaped. The institution’s role in promoting mutual understanding, openness, and cooperation between people cannot be overstated, serving as a bridge, connecting diverse cultures, citizens, and communities through the universal medium and value of education.

Looking ahead, Anatolia College’s journey into its next century is filled with exciting promise and potential. The foresight and innovation that are a lasting hallmark of its past and present are the very qualities that will guide it to an ever-brighter future. As U.S. Consul General, I am proud to witness this moment in history and celebrate together as we stand on the cusp of even deeper collaboration between our countries and institutions in a way that enriches our shared societal, cultural, and educational experiences.

Congratulations to Dr. Panos Vlachos, the students, faculty, and families on Anatolia’s century of excellence, impeccable values, and recognized innovation!

Consul General Jerrier (Jerry) Ismail – U.S. Consulate General, Thessaloniki, Greece