Organizational Member

Ruth McGavren Compton joined Anatolia in the early 1910s in Merzifon, along with her then fiancé, Carl Compton. During the upheavals of 1919 she offered humanitarian aid and relief to the refugee populations of Asia Minor, bravely facing adversity. In 1925 she came to Thessaloniki, alongside her husband, who was to take up a new term at the College, a term that would last for over three decades. In the summer of 1926 she and her husband travelled back to Merzifon in order to settle some of the College’s real estate. They sent selected volumes from the library and other items to Thessaloniki and auctioned off some items, while retaining a significant part of the equipment for the school that was now operating in the premises of Merzifon. Back in Greece, Ruth actively contributed to the development of Anatolia College, both as an organizational member and teacher, and in raising funds to equip the school and construct new buildings.

Carl Compton
George White

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