The Anatolia College Christmas Bazaar returns more festive than ever! At this Centennial Bazaar you will have the unique opportunity to purchase the limited edition memorabilia designed exclusively for the celebrations of our 100 years in Thessaloniki.

As every year, the event is organized with the participation of Anatolia High School and ACT students, who volunteer their time alongside our faculty and staff, with the help of the Parents, Alumni and Friends Associations.

The proceeds of the Christmas Bazaar will be donated to charitt, honoring our tradition that started in Thessaloniki in the 1930s to support the refugee populations after the Asia Minor Catastrophe.

Who can join: This is an open event. Free admission.

Venue: Macedonia Hall & Kyrides Hall
Time: 14:00 – 18:00 

Centennial Christmas Gala by the Association of Friends of Anatolia College
Alumni Concert

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