
Joseph Kennedy (1972-1974) was appointed interim President of Anatolia College in 1972 following Hayden’s resignation. Kennedy brought with him extensive teaching and administrative experience from high schools in Texas, Alaska, and California. The trustees, when selecting Kennedy, prioritized his teaching and administrative abilities over fundraising skills. The appointment of President Kennedy coincided with a revision of the Board of Trustees’ charter, strengthening the President’s role and establishing a direct reporting relationship between the Boston-based fundraiser and the President.

Kennedy’s first priority was to assemble a new administrative team. The new management team worked diligently to maintain Anatolia’s traditional values while addressing various challenges. The emphasis remained on academic excellence, intellectual development through extracurricular activities, and athletic competition. Despite his short tenure, Kennedy faced numerous political and administrative challenges that ultimately led to his early resignation.

Everett Stephens
Evangelos Kofos

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