
William McGrew was the ninth President of Anatolia College and holds the distinction of the longest-serving president, with a tenure of 25 consecutive years (1974-1999). He has also served as a member of the U.S. Diplomatic Corps in Greece, Turkey, and Cyprus. During his presidency, he faced numerous political and economic challenges that threatened Anatolia’s operations, which he addressed with unwavering determination. McGrew played a pivotal role in establishing higher education at the school through the creation of ACT (formerly SBALA). In 2015, he published his book “Educating Across Cultures: Anatolia College in Turkey and Greece,” which chronicles the history of Anatolia College from Asia Minor to Thessaloniki. According to McGrew, schools must adapt their educational programs and practices to meet the evolving needs and challenges of society, as Anatolia College has consistently done.

Nancy Horton

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